Friends of Borges

"He who reads a line of Borges
(re)discovers the best library..." : Get involve : DONATE

Take part : Donate

A beautiful deed is a joy for ever!


These pages outline the institutional aims of The Friends of Borges. That is to say : the measure of our hope and what so far we have progressed towards the goal.

These are altruistic [not for profit and non-governmental] organizations requiring thus your private financial support.
We therefore welcome any donation that you may afford in order to progress further and will assure you a lasting gratitude as benefactor with perpetual acknowledgment in the architectural work, the program, the cultural item (books, videos, play, etc.) or the project funded with your gift.

Furthermore the Spanish, French and European laws grant tax benefits for financial gifts to our not for profit and public interest organizations.

All donations will be acknowledge with thank and supporters with gifts of £1,000 or over will be included in the Benefactors page or acknowledge in the specific way agree beforehand with the donor (unless wants to remain anonymous).

Please donate now through secure online system:
For additional information on tax benefits or other queries about how best to donate or to arrange a meeting to discuss a cooperation, please contact: The international Coordination .

1. NOCHEX (only for UK card holders). or

(for any major Card holders: VISA, MASTERCARD, etc.)

3. In addition to those two well know systems, international Card holders could also send their payment or donation in a new secure system by clicking on this banner to the order of

4. Alternatively, you can chose to send any amount of money through the BANK or financial institution or your choice by transfer to one of the following BANK accounts:

Account of The International Foundation Can Mossenya - J L Borges
From SPAIN: 2038 1168 26 6000468207 (Caja de Madrid)
From any other country: IBAN ES 83 2038 1168 26 6000468207 (Caja de Madrid)

Account of The Friends of Jorge Luis Borges Worldwide Society
From FRANCE: 30041 - 00001 - 24 - 0205149242H
From any other country: IBAN FR 45 / 3004 / 1000 / 0151 / 4924 / 2H02 / 024


I accept payment using NOCHEX

Any amount (£10 or multiple of £10) will be much appreciate and acknowledge.

To support the The International Foundation Can Mossenya - J L Borges

To support the The Friends of Jorge Luis Borges Worldwide Society

To support The Asterion Players

To support The Maker publications

To support this web site




Christopher Marlowe Memorial Garden & silver plaque offered by Friends of Sir J L Borges...
False widow Kodama -who abused Borges works for her own gain- dies...
'Anatomy of Influence', a new work by Harold Bloom ...
Bioy reveals in his diaries that his lifelong companion Borges lived his final years in fear of the "bizarre" character of his assistant Miss Kodama...


DONATE because a beautiful deed is a joy for ever!

SPONSOR a programme, a work, this website or an event and enjoy the benefices of standing by a noble cause.

VOLUNTEER and get support for your projects and career.

ASSOCIATE take part, advance your education and others' while enjoying creative friendship.

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Time in London -


Copyright of
The Friends of Jorge Luis Borges Worldwide Society,
unless otherwise stated.